


纽约州是美国东北部的一个州,是美国经济最发达的州之一 ,农业和制造业为该州的主要产业。纽约州有山、有河、有湖、有瀑布,每年游客多至五千万。其中的海运、金融业及对外贸易均占美国首位。制造业部门齐全,产值仅次于加利福尼亚州。制革、服装、印刷出版、仪器制造在全国地位突出。
佐治亚州-全美最佳经商之州。佐治亚州坐落于美国东南部,有“南方帝国”的美誉。其首府亚特兰大曾是1996年百年奥运会的举办城市,是美国南部政治、商业、文化的中心,也是美国第三大世界500强企业的聚集地和备受瞩目的重要工商业城市。                                                                                                       佐治亚州2013 -2019年连续7年被《选址》杂志评为全美最佳经商之州。拥有一流的全球经商环境、极具竞争力的商业成本、美国最发达的物流网络和大量熟练的技术工人。支柱产业包括汽车制造业、航空业、信息技术、生物科学产业、物流运输、综合农业及食品加工业等。
美国伊利诺伊州政府中国代表处于2000年10月在上海成立,致力于为积极寻求海外发展的伊州企业和蓬勃成长的中国工商界提供服务,旨在加强中美之间的贸易往来,帮助伊州公司,特别是中小企业与中国建立贸易联系,同时, 帮助中国公司寻求在北美市场的机会, 吸引直接投资到伊州,并促进文化、教育以及政府间的合作交流,以求共同发展。中国代表处隶属于位于芝加哥的伊利诺伊州商务厅,是伊州六个遍布世界的海外代表处之一。
印州这个被称为美国“十字路口”的地方,很多人来了都不愿走,为什么他们执意要停留在这里?印州的政策环境被评为全美第二,是全美最具竞争力的州之一,排名中西部第一,全美第二。该排名是基于各州吸引投资的能力评选的。还被评为全美十大最适宜经商州之一。税收优惠为中西部最佳。条条大路通世界各地的便利之地 - 印州位于美国主要市场的中心地带,是唯一遍布全州的通过五大湖和俄亥俄州的密西西比河水系,其港口系统提供国际连接。
美国爱达荷州中国代表处成立于2006年,是爱达荷州设立在海外的三个官方国际贸易办公室之一。爱达荷州政府一直非常重视与中国的贸易来往,中国市场也继续为爱达荷州的企业提供了额外的增长机会。根据相关数据统计,中国是爱达荷州近五年来一直位于前五大出口国之一。在爱达荷州的投资机会主要集中在:高新技术和先进制造业,航空,农业和食品加工,能源和环保技术, 以及创意和休闲产业。美国爱达荷州中国代表处致力于进一步推进中国和爱达荷州的双边贸易及投资。我们提供行业及相关法规信息,市场战略,并帮助寻找最适合的业务伙伴。我们既帮助爱达荷州的企业成功进入、开拓中国市场,同时我们也帮助中国企业找到爱达荷州独特的投资机会。
2007 年 10 月,美国田纳西州政府在北京成立田纳西州中国发展中心(驻华办),标志着田纳西州政府将不遗余力发展与中国在政府、商协会、产业(制造业、物流、医疗养老、音乐影视、农业、能源和旅游等)及文化教育等领域的广泛交流合作。田纳西州位于美国东南部,面积10.96万平方公里,人口约680万,世界500强企业中有200家在此设立总部或分支机构,如:美国医院管理集团、布鲁克戴尔、联邦快递、康明斯、通用汽、日产汽车北美总部、德国大众、美国嘉吉、杰克.丹尼威士忌等。田纳西州约90%的企业没有工会,且因人力、水电及土地成本等优势而成为美国新兴制造业的领头羊。迄今已有上汽、青岛高校软控、三角轮胎、青岛双星轮胎、上海微创医疗、重庆轻纺、中远、浙江盾安精工、广东马可波罗陶瓷等逾70家中国企业在田纳西州成功落地发展。
阿肯色州位于美国大陆中部地区,是重要的战略性物流中心。目前有7家世界500强企业将总部设在阿肯色州,包括沃尔玛、泰森食品、墨菲石油、墨非石油美国公司,JB Hunt, Windstream, Dillard’s等,很多外国公司也选择阿肯色州作为他们进入美国的基地。阿肯色州是全美工资水平、税务负担和消费指数最低的州之一。土地房屋价格、税收、劳动力和能源成本均低于全国水平。被CNBC评为全美经商成本第二低的州。根据美国首席执行官杂志,在全美适合经商的州排名当中, 阿肯色州优于纽约州,加州,伊利诺伊州,密歇根州,华盛顿州及俄罗冈州。沃尔玛创立于本州,并利用本州战略性的优越地理位置和优惠政策发展成为美国乃至全球最大的零售商。

1.New York, USA
In New York State, the future is already here – fueled by the talent and the resources that are leading companies and smart, dynamic, innovative new businesses to start here, move here and thrive here. It gives students access to free college tuition and creating innovative workforce development programs that give New Yorkers access to 21st century jobs and give companies the skilled workers they need to succeed. It is cultivating industry-university partnerships with top-tier educational institutions to help develop the technologies of tomorrow and to offer opportunities for New York’s college graduates to join diverse workforce – to stay, grow and continue to innovate here.  Come to New York: the state of the future.
2.South Carolina, USA
South Carolina has abundant industrial, scientific and technological strength and efficient labor resources, as well as more than 200 international enterprises and the state with the largest proportion of employees of international companies in the total labor force among all the states in the United States.  South Carolina used to be an agricultural state, with 59% of agricultural income coming from crops and the rest from livestock products.  In the manufacturing industry, the textile industry has an absolute advantage.  There is one of the largest nuclear power plants in the United States on the Savannah River. The advantageous industries are concentrated in automobile manufacturing, aviation industry, biotechnology industry, logistics distribution, machinery manufacturing, plastics, chemical industry, textile, paper making and forestry.
3.North Carolina, USA
North Carolina is located in the center area of the eastern coast of the United States, the transportation is convenient. North Carolina is selected by Forbes as “Best State for Business & Careers” Top 1. And for 13 consecutive years, North Carolina has been the only one ranked in Top 5. The amount of investment in North Carolina from Chinese enterprises comes out top in the United States. At present, the Bank of China, Lenovo, Shuanghui (Smithfield) and many other Chinese enterprises are flourishing in North Carolina.
4.Nebraska, USA
The Nebraska Center China is Nebraska’s business development office in China. Located in Shanghai, the office will be the key place for Chinese companies to find out about doing business in the U.S., and in particular, Nebraska. It will also serve as a resource for Nebraska companies looking to do business with China.
5.Pennsylvania, USA
Pennsylvania is a diverse economy. With the largest unconventional and second largest overall natural gas field in the world, Pennsylvania has an abundance of natural gas and are the second largest natural gas producer in the U.S. In addition to Pennsylvania’s growing energy downstream sector and abundant natural gas resources, Pennsylvania’s plastics industry is rich in resource, know-how, and opportunity. Among other strengths PA is also a leader in the life sciences sector supported by world-class R&D institutions, top-notch universities and incubators, and strategic investments in venture capital, technology, and infrastructure; a robust agribusiness sector best known for dairy products, but equally strong in hardwoods.
6.George, USA
Georgia - the best state of business in the United States. Georgia is located in the southeastern United States and has a reputation as a "Southern Empire." Its capital, Atlanta, was the host city of the 1996 Olympic Games. It is the center of politics, commerce, and culture in the southern United States. It is also the gathering place for the world's third-largest Fortune 500 companies and a high-profile industrial and commercial city. Georgia has been named the Best Business State in the United States for seven consecutive years from 2013 to 2019. It has a first-class global business environment, competitive business costs, the most developed logistics network in the United States and a large number of skilled workers. Pillar industries include automobile manufacturing, aviation, information technology, bioscience industry, logistics and transportation, integrated agriculture and food processing industries.
7.Illinois, USA
State of Illinois China Office, established in Shanghai, China in October 2000, offers a wide range of programs and services to strengthen trade and business relationship between Illinois and China, to assist Illinois companies especially small and medium enterprises export to China, and to promote foreign direct investment in Illinois. State of Illinois China office is one of the six foreign offices of the Illinois Department of Commerce’s Office of Trade and Investment (OTI), headquartered at Chicago. The OTI strives to raise Illinois’ profile as a global business leader through a network of professionals focusing on improving the state’s economy worldwide.  
8.Idaho, USA
State of Idaho China Office was launch in China in 2006, which is one of the three official international trade offices of the State of Idaho. China remains a top country of interest to Idaho and the market continues to provide additional growth opportunities. China has been one of the top five largest export destinations for Idaho in the past five years. Investment opportunities in Idaho mainly focus on: Hi-Tech and advanced manufacturing, aviation, agriculture and food processing, energy and environmental and creative and leisure industry.
9.Tennessee, USA
Tennessee has become a hot investment destination for Chinese companies. As a commercial center and emerging industrial agglomeration in the United States, 13 Chinese enterprises have successively invested and developed in Tennessee including Wyko Tire Technology Inc、GITI Tire USA、Del-Nat Tire Corp、Copperweld Bimetallic Products Company、Intermodal Bridge Transport and other enterprises. Tennessee has 740 wholly foreign-owned companies from 34 countries with an investment of over 23 billion US dollars.
10. Indiana, USA
The policy environment of India was rated as the second in the United States, and it was the only state with labor rights in the industrial states of the Midwest. The bill gives individual workers the right to decide for themselves whether to support a trade union financially.  Besides, there are many colleges and universities-there are more than 50 colleges and universities of various types, and more than 100 main schools and branch campuses of various types. Most importantly, all roads lead to convenient places all over the world-Indian state is located in the center of the major U.S. markets and can drive up to 80% of the U.S. population in one day. Eight interstate highways rank first in the United States. It has 3 international ports and 407 miles of navigation. India is the only state-wide Mississippi River system through the Great Lakes and Ohio. Its port system provides international connectivity.
11. Arkansas, USA
Arkansas is located in the central region of the US mainland and is an important strategic logistics center.  At present, seven Fortune 500 companies have their headquarters in Arkansas. Many foreign companies have also chosen Arkansas as their base to enter the United States. Arkansas has one of the lowest wages, tax burden and consumer index in the United States.  Land and housing prices, taxes, labor and energy costs are all lower than the national level.  CNBC named the state with the second lowest cost of doing business in the United States.  According to the US CEO magazine, Arkansas is better than New York, California, Illinois, Michigan, Washington and Luo Gang in the ranking of states suitable for doing business.