


Caspian Week(https://caspianweek.com)是一个全球思想的平台。平台的任务是协助开发泛里海地区的人文和经济潜力,改善本地区及全球环境。Caspian Week Conference是与达沃斯论坛同时举办的为期五天的国际性活动。
Caspian Week有三个主要目标:促进泛里海地区和世界的互动;巩固文化、政治、商务和科技联系;向泛里海地区引进新思维,应用新技术。作为本次活动组织基础的是参与者至上主义,这是我们合作文化的核心。我们是绝对可靠的,并且我们与社会各领域保持着积极联系。
第四届Caspian Week将于2020年1月20-24日在瑞士达沃斯举行。
里海周由瑞士Integral Petroleum SA公司提供支持(https://integral-petroleum.ch)。
Integral Petroleum公司是一家于2008年在瑞士日内瓦成立的国际商品贸易及物流公司。公司在里海地区、高加索、中亚等地区市场积极开展业务。公司正在实施多个数字项目,旨在提升效率,实现融合性可持续发展。
Integral Petroleum公司积极参与国际、国内和地区层面的对话。
2019年公司常务董事Murat Seitnepesov(穆拉特·赛特内皮索夫)随瑞士联邦主席Ueli Maurer(于利·毛雷尔)率领的瑞士经济代表团参加了第二届“一带一路”国际合作论坛。访华期间,中瑞签署了第三方市场合作发展谅解备忘录,该备忘录如今已生效。

Caspian Week (https://caspianweek.com) is a platform for global ideas. Its mission is to support the realization of human and economic potential of the Greater Caspian Region and to improve the environmental situation both there and globally. The Caspian Week Conference is a 5-day global event during the annual meeting in Davos.
Caspian Week has three aims: to promote the interaction between the Caspian Region and the world; to improve cultural, political, business and scientific relations and; to introduce and implement innovative ideas and technologies to the Caspian Region. The organization of the event is based on the stakeholder approach that is central to our corporate culture. We are fully accountable, and actively connected, to all parts of society.
Caspian Week Fourth edition will take place in Davos, Switzerland on January 20 -24, 2020.
Caspian Week is supported by Integral Petroleum SA (https://integral-petroleum.ch).
Integral Petroleum is an international commodity trading and logistics company established in 2008 in Geneva, Switzerland. It is active primarily in the markets of the Caspian Region, the Caucasus, Central Asia and beyond. The Company is implementing several digital projects aimed at efficiency improvements and inclusive sustainable development.
Integral Petroleum is actively engaged in dialogs at international, national and regional levels.
In 2019 Murat Seitnepesov, Managing Director of the Company, participated in the Swiss Economic Mission to China for the 2nd Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation lead by the President of the Swiss Confederation Ueli Maurer. During this visit, the Switzerland - China Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Developing Third-party Market Cooperation was signed, which is currently being implemented.