


近日,外洽办从乌克兰驻华使馆商务处获悉,第六届国际能源展(乌克兰)“能源效率 可再生能源-2013将于2013年12月5-8日在乌克兰首都基辅举行。本次展会是乌克兰国内能源高效利用、可再生能源和新能源领域的顶级盛会。关于本次展会详情,请查询官方网站:http://www.iec-expo.com.ua/index.php?id=380&L=2



VI International Specialized Trade Fair 
November 5–8, 2013

(renewable energy, alternative types of fuel, energy effective and energy saving technologies, equipment, materials in power engineering, industry, building, housing and communal services, agro-industry complex)

VI International Specialized Exhibition <> - is the leading event on the territory of Ukraine in the field of the effective use of fuel and energy resources, renewable energy sources and alternative types of fuel will take place in Kyiv on November 5-8, 2013 at the largest Ukrainian International exhibition area. The Business program of concomitant measures foresees the holding of the International Investment Business Forum on energy efficiency and alternative energy.

● The State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine

● International Exhibition Centre, Ltd.

● Ukrainian Wind Energy Association

Our country possesses the impressive potential of regenerative energy market  and "green" projects and has one of the most progressive legislative bases in the field of renewable energy sources with containing the economic privileges. The Government Program of the State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine is the increasing of energy efficiency of economy, wide implantation of clear technologies in Ukraine and consolidation of renewable energy market participants. Thats why the State Agency conducts the exclusive professional event in Ukraine in this direction. On the estimations of experts, the International specialized exhibition <> arouses the great interest in professional community, investors and wide range of specialists.

International Exhibition Centre 
Levoberezhna subway station, 15 Brovarsky Ave., Kyiv, Ukraine

tel.: +(38-044) 201-1166, 206-8786, e-mail: sv@iec-expo.com.ua,